Check out these love and sex images:
Image by ak42
Image by ak42
Image by ak42
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Answer by dodgedakota09
There are several ways... the best would be have a vet check it out but there are also visual cues. Usually males will extent there underneck flap in a display of dominence. The large scale in the region under the ear opening will be larger in males... Hope this helps...
Answer by B G
is there some thing about your self your not telling us John ?
Answer by red_fire_halo
no, it's illegal and disgusting
Answer by I can say what i want to
tell your husband to stop being so rough.
Answer by candy g
yep, local area has about 25, ratio wise it is far lower than men but there are out there........put in your zip code and see what it brings up, got to say some of them look like real hags.....
Answer by Mi nombre no importa
Yes sex and love are diferent things. You can love a person and have sex because you love that person. Also you can have sex because you like that other person too.
Answer by Due May 23,09 with Sophie Lyn
You should really worry about yourself and not other people.
Answer by Clo
if you are worried, try another.......if this is also negative, you're ok....
Answer by Nicole D
Just how it is. You know what eternity is don't you? The time between when a man comes, and you go.